Job Boards Made Simple.

Our advanced technology and robust network provide the perfect foundation for fostering your community growth, enabling you to create a thriving marketplace for talent and opportunity. No coding or technical skills required!

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Our features

Simple, yet powerful features

Launch your job board instantly with the same top-notch technology behind Peple. Expand your reach to millions of users and grow your business effortlessly. Our platform is user-friendly and requires no coding or technical skills. Start now and tap into the vast potential of the Peple Network

Branded your way.

Elevate your brand and visibility with a custom job board using Peple's intuitive and robust software. Tailored for user-friendliness, Peple allows you to efficiently launch and manage your job board, streamlining the process without the need for technical expertise. It offers features like responsive design, SEO optimization, and easy application processes, ensuring a smooth experience for job seekers and employers alike. With Peple, you can create a professional, high-performing job board, boosting your market presence and connecting your audience with a wealth of opportunities.

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Understand your business

A custom job board is not just a recruitment tool; it's a goldmine of market intelligence. It offers insights into job market trends, in-demand skills, and salary benchmarks. This data is invaluable for making strategic business decisions and guiding your partners with informed insights. Additionally, monetizing your job board through employer subscriptions adds a revenue stream. Employers can access specialized talent pools and get enhanced visibility for their listings, while you generate steady income. This model creates a win-win situation, where your job board becomes a critical resource for employers and a lucrative asset for your business.

Championing Equal Opportunity Hiring

Job boards that focus on diversity attract a wider range of talents, driving innovation and better decision-making. Diverse teams connect more effectively with varied audiences, enhancing a company's reputation and often leading to higher financial success. This focus also addresses legal and investor expectations, and combats systemic inequalities, creating a fairer workplace and society. At Peple, we champion hiring based on unique skills and experiences. Our "Diversity Browsing" and "Diversity Job Post" features remove names and images from profiles, promoting equal opportunities for all candidates, irrespective of background.

Ropes in a form of a circle

Your investment in opportunity

Your job board grants you access to the Peple Network, an extensive global community brimming with skilled professionals and eager job seekers. This powerful feature enables you to effortlessly network with industry-leading talents, significantly broadening your employer's horizons.

Unlimited Access

Get unlimited access to a custom branded job board with multiple employers.

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Custom branding
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Unlimited users and jobs
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Charge your own Subscription Fee
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Unlimited administrators and moderators
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and more!

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